OM Ep. 136: Guaranteed New Patients in 2023 w/ TX Converter

About this Podcast

Eric Romingquet, founder of TX Converter, and Dean talk about how their partnership provides practices with an unbelievable opportunity to both pull in more leads and be able to convert these leads to actual starts even months later! Tune in to hear how it’s possible to guarantee new patients for your practice in 2023!

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Episode Transcript:


Hello everybody in Podcast Land, this is Dean Steinman Ortho Marketing, and we're back with another podcast  for you. And today I'm really stoked to have one of my favourite people back. We have Eric from TX Converters here, and Eric is a partner of ours and we're making a huge difference for our clients as far as re-engagement with patients and bringing them back in.

So I wanted Eric to talk a little bit more about how this process works. So if you are an orthodontic practice. And typically  we get your phone ringing. That's the great ortho marketing company we are. So we'll get your phone ringing.  Patients will then show up for a consultation, but they don't start what happens.

And most of the time they go into a black hole after 29 days. I think that's Eric's big number there as far as a barometer goes. And then maybe you make a phone call or two or send an email and then that's it. So that's where Eric steps in. Together, we have this incredible program by getting your phone to ring or your people to schedule your appointment through your website, through marketing, and then getting them, and then putting people in the seats.

We did our job, but then it's up to you doc and your team to close 'em. But a lot of people, you know, 40, 50, 60% of people don't start. So then, as I said, he went to a black hole. So now Eric's gonna talk a little bit about. The process and what needs to be done and how you understand the value of this because there are hundreds of thousands of dollars of money that's not going in your pocket.

You have the right process to follow up. All right. And to take it over. And Eric, so welcome man. How are you doing?


Absolutely. Wonderful, Dean, thank you for having me.


You're welcome.  Let's just jump right into it, man. So we've been working together now for a while and we're starting to get  lots of great results for our clients.

So quickly just walk through the process again. So as I mentioned, somebody comes in for consultation, they don't start, and then the practice has this big list over the last 6, 12, 18 months or so of people that didn't start. Then what happens?


I think the biggest thing, Dean, is that you know, the TCS are working really, really hard on making their current month.

And if they were to go back, if any practice owner were to go back and take a look at their starts. I think they're gonna find that the majority of their starts are gonna drop, come in the aging range of day one to 29. After that is when they really start falling off, and the longer the aging goes, the harder it is to make contact with these folks.

What we wanna do is we wanna help these practices, so allow their TCS to focus on those that are ready to start sooner rather than later. And that's the one that's gonna fall into that sweet spot, as I call it, the one to 29 days of aging. And those at 30 and older let us take over that. You know, that's what we're really good at.

Because a lot of times the follow up, the message itself, It is usually just one-sided. It's usually coming from the practice saying, "hi, thanks for coming in. Just wanted to check and make sure to see if we've answered all of your questions, and if you're ready to get started", you know, it takes more so in that particular case, if you had a pinning exam that for whatever reason, Wasn't ready to get started right now, they're not gonna respond back they're not gonna reply to that follow up effort.

And it takes multiple points of follow up to get an answer back. And that's where we come in. So we're actually doing that in the background while your TCS is able to focus on the now, the current month, and to make sure that you're maximising that month. So that's what we're able to do and bring.

So much more to the table for these practices. Dean, as you know,


What's important is to have the end-to-end solution. That's where Eric and I work together so well on it. because our job at ortho marketing is to get your phone ringing, as I said, or get people to get to your website and then get them in the seats.

Your job doc your team is to do the consult, get 'them the start. But like I said people are not ready, 55% of patients are the conversion rate on average for a practice. But 45% Don't. So what happens? So that's where  steps in and guys, he's incredible.

You know, we, we just brought on a practice that started yesterday and he already, and he already br and Eric already brought in new, you know, somebody signed up today, within the 24 hours somebody came in. Eric, tell a couple of more case studies, an example of an average practice as far as how far back people are coming in, as far as how many hundreds of days since they did their consult on average are people starting, coming in.


Well, you know, it's amazing, Dean, is that how many people are actually still very much interested in getting started, but they just need more time and time, whether it be for insurance or dental work or what have you. They're still very much interested. So that's why when we do our initial program, whether it's our 60 day or 90 day pending exam analysis done for you following the program, we ask practices to give us their pending exams from 30 days.

All the way out to 18 months. And we do that because we get so many people that are still interested, but just need more time. So I'll give you an example of what happens normally: we'll get starts within the first couple of weeks. So if you sign up for a 60 day program or a 90 day program, we're gonna get you your starts.

And obviously, as you know, we guarantee if you sign up for our 60 day program, we guarantee you three starts or $15,000 in production. And a 90 day program, we guarantee four starts or $20,000 in production. We always exceed that, but getting the initial starts into the practice is one thing that's great to do and we get excited about it.

But what I get more excited about is all those people that end up in the yellow category, right? As you know, Dean, we have three categories that we put them in the green, ready to start now, the yellow that are still interested in and just need more time, or they're red where they're no longer interested.

And if you ask 'em why, they'll tell you. So there's a lot you can learn from that category as well. But what gets us really excited or gets me really excited is the amount of people that we find that are still very much interested but need more time. Those are the people in the yellow category. And on average, you know, what we've been seeing is we're identifying usually around $30,000 and people that are ready to start now.

But we're finding 75 to 80,000 to 90,000 worth of starts of people that are still interested but need more time. Those are the ones that we are able to maintain an open line of communication with, so that when they are ready, whether that's 60 days, 90 days, six months down the line, We're able to bring them right back into the practice for a start.

So that's why when you see our conversion reports, you're gonna see somebody on there, a hundred plus days, 300 plus days, 400 plus days, you know? So that's what's exciting and that's what allows the practice to truly maximize all of their pending exams.


So when I work with the practice, the biggest thing is the amount of time and how stretched thin the staff is.

So realistically, how much time is needed by the staff in order to work with us  on this type of


Really the staff, the only time they need their involvement is to get back with us to help schedule a start. And what does that take? A few minutes per person. Right? So it really doesn't take a lot of time.

It's we'll call in or however they want us to do a call in or text or what have you. And that's the only time that takes away from their tcs. It's when we're calling in, it's really to schedule somebody to answer a question or to schedule somebody. And in doing that, then we're. To do that with them not needing a lot of time at all so they can focus on their daily activities.

That's incredible. So once again your staff does not need to be involved much at all, the only thing to do is you need to, to make sure that you can respond quickly to us, because the only reason that we're gonna be contacting you is to schedule an appointment. All right? Yeah. So it's something that's all you need.

So hopefully you got the staff available to take on an appointment, guys , that's all you would need to do. And I'm gonna rewind a little bit. And one thing Eric mentioned is the guarantee, and that's really important. Think about it. If we could say to you that you are gonna be guaranteed at least three starts or four starts

This is a no-brainer. We're guaranteed to bring you in money, guaranteed. So you're gonna make 2, 3, 4, 5, a hundred percent return on. What this is, this is a no-brainer here, guys, to do this. And that's how confident we are and how good we are at doing this. This job is, we're guaranteeing it.

All right, so there's really no skin off your nose, no hook. And when you say guarantee what does that mean? That we're gonna keep working until we get it?


Absolutely. First of all, I've never missed it. I don't plan on missing that, that goal. And because, as you know, Dean, we, we really set this up so that they really have a realistic.

Opportunity for a return on investment number one. Number two is in the unlikely event that we don't get the three starts in 60 days or the four starts in 90 days, my team will keep going until they do get it at no charge.


So think about it's a no-brainer. It's guaranteed results and it's guaranteed to bring people in so focus on what you do best.

Guys, you're in the smile business. Make people smile. Let 'em sit in the chair, start your work, start getting 'em into treatment, get your process going, and let us fill up those chairs for you. That's pretty much what we do here at Ortho Marketing and work with Eric tx Converter. It's really important.

So in nutshell, if you are seeing any percentage of PR of people who don't start right there. And pretty much there's zero practices out there that have a hundred percent start rate . Right. Give us a call, reach out to us. We can help you out. We'll walk you through the process. are, we are limited on any sort of software that a practice has or, or no.


No, it does. It doesn't matter what practice management system they have or they use, we obviously, anybody that comes onto our program, we will include our software. Our software is focused specifically as you know, Dean on the pending exams. And you know, one thing, if I may add, is. For these practice owners.

Think about it for a moment. Every practice has them. They have a list of pending exams that their TC has followed up with, but they haven't heard back from. That's the money right there that you haven't heard back from them. For all intents and purposes, they're probably written off and your TCS probably doesn't have time to follow up with them anymore.

Give us those peopleThat's where the money's at. We will be able to contact them and if there's anybody there still interested, we'll get 'em converted.


And what is the minimum number of people that need to be contacted for us to work? Does that have to have minimum of a certain amount of a prospect



We've converted people with a list as small as 23, although I don't recommend it, but we were able to convert a couple of stars out of a list as small as 23. But you know, you need to be in the, you know, if you can get everybody, I, I think in the most part, has a list of at least a hundred people

We're gonna identify people that are ready to start now, but where that real value comes in as all those people that raise their hand say, Hey, I'm still interested, I just need more time. And those are the ones that we're able to maintain communication with and we bring 'em right back into the practice.


Awesome. So this is very exciting. You know, I'm all in with this, you know, working with Eric on here, guys. So anybody, any questions at all, please reach, reach out to us. There'll be a link like once again in our in the bottom notes here of how to get more information on here to fill out a form to scale up, a schedule to, for us to walk you through the process, to do a demo, to show you how the software works, to learn a little bit more about your practice and how we can bring.

Literally 10, 20, 30, 40,000 Dollars a month of new business to your practice that you just didn't close on the first time there.