OM Ep. 163 Changing Orthodontics and Boosting Appointments with Synapse

About this Podcast

This episode is brought to you by Ortho Marketing in partnership with Synapse. Dean Steinman is joined by George Aliphtiras, Executive Director and Co-founder of Synapse Dental. Learn about the groundbreaking release of the Dental Pain Eraser, a game-changing device designed to alleviate dental pain without invasive procedures. We discuss its impact on the dental industry, how it works, and what this means for patient comfort and so much more!

Episode Transcript:

George Aliphtiras: Hi there. My name is George Aliphtiras, Executive Director and Co-founder of Synapse Dental. In this podcast, you'll learn about the release of the dental pain eraser to the dental industry.

Dean Steinman: Oh hello everybody out there in podcast land. This is Dean Steinman from Ortho Marketing. And guess what? We are back with another podcast for you and hope everybody's doing well. It is now Spring time 2024 and spring is in the air. People are smiling. People are happy. Flowers are blooming. Baseball's back and I'm very excited today to have a very timely guest, a great big person in company for you to learn about and very, very excited to have with me today, George Aliphtiras. George is the executive director of Synapse Dental and we're here to talk to you about some great technologies and great things in the industry. So George, welcome! How are you today?

George Aliphtiras: Hey, Dean. Oh, it's great to be here. Thank you so much for the invitation and it's a lovely spring day where I am too so it seems to be North America wide that spring is here and the birds are singing and the sun is shining.

Dean Steinman: So, you gotta love it. But the same, you know, birds are singing, sun is out. There's no eclipse today. So, it's a good, it's a good thing. So George, welcome. So, so wait, we're gonna jump right into it. So, Synapse Dental, we're working with you. We're a partner with you as far as the marketing goes but let's take a step back. Tell everybody who is Synapse Dental and what is it that you guys do?

George Aliphtiras: Yeah, I'm glad to do so. So we are a startup company focused on the dental and consumer oral health industry and really we're transforming the patient experience. And how do we do that? We're basically removing the pain from the treatment journey, both in office and also at home. So really trying to transform what typically in the past, like most patients are very obviously may not have a very positive experience going to see the dentist during their chair side treatment and also post appointment. We're actually revolutionizing how that pain is now vanishing from both the chair and also at the at home.

Dean Steinman: You know, it's funny that there are the two biggest fears that people face are public speaking and going to the dentist. And it's funny, you know, their misconception that people have that isn't afraid or that this cause they think it's going to hurt. So tell us a little bit of the Genesis of Synapse and how it came to be.

George Aliphtiras: Yeah, so it really started from the clinical need and the patient problem of that kind of fear, and also just the reality that dentistry or just treatment can be uncomfortable or painful. So, my co founder, Dr. Cosmo was practicing in at Boston University and also in his private practice and really had a constant, you know, issue of, you know, all these patients coming in and not having good solutions to treat at chairside and also at home because, you know, you treat patients, but, you know, again, it's about being empathetic. You know, we want to give the best care, you know, as patients, we want to receive the best care, but how do you kind of tackle the problem of giving great experience at chairside and at home. So he really went on a journey and explored what possible technology solutions could be applied to address this big problem of dentistry. And he came at a Eureka moment, let's say, of using neuromodulation long used in medicine and really now becoming integrated into everyday use more so, but applying it to dentistry and consumer oral health. And I know it's what is neuromodulation, is it...

Dean Steinman: That's my next question, right?

George Aliphtiras: Yeah yeah, next question, what is it? Well, you know, it's just electrical stimulation. In this case, it's sub sensory. So, really, you might feel a tickle tingle but ultimately you're blocking the pain signal at the local level so it's not systemic. It's not affecting the body. You won't have the big profound numbness that overwhelms you when you have like, you know, that wisdom tooth extraction. Like I think everyone's like had some sort of extraction likely, and you always will have some numbness or might even have GA. And that post op pain is not very subtle. Right?

Dean Steinman: Interesting. So, let's talk more about that Eureka moment. How did that actually come to be? Did you know when Cosmo would wake up one day and just said, this is needed or what actually, you know, how did it actually happen?

George Aliphtiras: Well, he, again he was dealing with a lot of chronic pain patients in this clinic, especially at the university. You always have the most sensitive or the most vulnerable patients coming in. So he was dealing with that, those patients and really found the you know, opioid, narcotics, and just traditional topical or injectables not really being effective to deal with that long lasting, like, how do I effectively give relief for a long period of time? And also the fact is, It's a lot of these are invasive. So you have to like, well, can I eliminate the whole invasiveness needle component, and there's also contraindications. I mean, we know that substance abuse or especially these days, it's an issue with opioid epidemic. It can affect people, you know, unfortunately it does lead to lives lost because people are abusing these powerful tools to deal with pain. And that led to, you know, is there a safe, non invasive, sustained pain relief that is also effective to remove pain discomfort? And that led to kind of that eureka of neuromodulation, electrical stimulation. I mean, it's a new category in the dental anesthesia, we call it electronic dental anesthesia. The proprietary name is Pulse Wave Technology.

Dean Steinman: Okay, so what is Synapse? What is, what's behind that?

George Aliphtiras: Yeah and really our mission in Synapse is really we're establishing a new patient comfort standard in dentistry and also at oral home care making treatment and oral care more comfortable. So that is really our mission: everyone should be comfortable at home, comfortable at chair and having a really good experience. I mean, it doesn't have to be that, gee, I'm kind of anxious or fearful or because even in my, tell you a story about my mom who I, you know, she's unfortunately, she's one of those anxious patients, and she always cringe to go for her cleanings. And she wasn't, and she told me last time, it's like before we started using dental pain eraser, it's like, George, do we, do I have to go to the dentist? Right, this is my 80 year old mother, right? Telling me, do I really have to go? I'm like, well, come on, you do.

Dean Steinman: You say, mom you asked the same question. Ma, did I run through to the dentist? Well, ha, now you do mom, right?

George Aliphtiras: Exactly. Role reversal, right? So exactly, what we did it was it was great. I mean, we pre applied at home. Again, she applied it to her at just before she went to the appointment. Just, you know, around the areas that she knew she was going to have a cleaning. Because she's got, you know, a bit of periodontal disease. Not extensive, but a bit of, like, inflammation etc. And we did, she pre applied it, and then we went to the dentist, and then they just did some re-application in some deep pockets that she has and she was good. She did her appointment. She got her cleaning, then she walked out and she was happy for once, actually.

Dean Steinman: So let's take a step back. What is the dental pain eraser and how does it work?

George Aliphtiras: Yeah, so one of the key things as part of the Eureka moment is making it affordable and accessible so we are the first handheld pen shaped device that can be applied by the clinician at Shirocide or even by the patient at home. So it's just a very simple, it's like almost like a pen. So if you look at it and I can show it in my hand, how small it is, it's there you go. So it's simple and you apply it in the area just for a few seconds and you've got relief for up to 48 hours. So it's really, you know, really innovative. Because it's easy, safe and you can apply it anywhere. So you can go apply it at home. You can give it to your child. It's safe for children. You don't have to pop pills. It's long lasting. Again, it's a very easy, safe, effective means to, you know, achieve that consistent, comfortable feeling.

Dean Steinman: Okay. So, you know, people that are a little, you know, anxious or what have you, what's going to stop them? Or is it going to stop, is there like a governor on it? So they can, they keep it on there. Cause I'm going to keep us on for half an hour, you know, to make sure I don't have pain. So is there any issues with somebody overusing it? Or once you hit a level that you're at there, no matter what.

George Aliphtiras: So, you know, our basic rule of thumb is apply until you have relief. There is a timer, which is five minutes. Our label from the FDA, it says no more than 10 minutes at a single session, but you can reapply it as much as you want as necessary to achieve that relief. So ultimately you just reapply it as needed to achieve that consistent feeling of comfort. Like give an example, people have a TMJ or TMD issues like, you know, the, that sort of some people that have clenching and bruxism people are pre applied before even go to bed just for, you know, two, three minute applications per side to achieve that comfort. So when you wake up in the morning, you don't have that achiness, the headache that actually can occur for those that have issues with you know, that clenching Bruxism, TMJ issue, which is quite common, especially with COVID.

Dean Steinman: Right? Yeah, no doubt. So what kind of feedback have you received from your partners and practitioners who are using it? And why does, you know, why does patient comfort matter to them?

George Aliphtiras: Well, you know, one of the things it's, what's happening in, you know, dentistry and orthodontics. And again, to give a bit of a color, I mean, Dr. Cosmo is an orthodontist and he deals with a lot of complexity because he deals with, you know, lots of complex cases and, but simple too. So really what, from an industry perspective that we have found from feedback is that people have acknowledge that, you know, getting new patients in the door, new business is really important because as a business operator, you have to run a business. You have to be profitable to provide the best care. So really bring that new patient in is very important. So really, how do you differentiate yourself from the others in the market? Provide the best care, best technology, best solutions and experience, patient experience specifically matters because it's all about differentiation, why they should come to see you.

Close, meaning they say yes to you, saying yes for treatment. So you have to eliminate that fear and anxiety that is also part of treatment. And also, even during the journey, making sure that they have that consistency of experience, even when they leave the chair and at home, because now people are very social. They post on Instagram, they post on TikTok. So making sure that they're really positive about their appointment, not only in the practice, but also when they're at home. So really this has been a game changer because you can apply it easily. It's effective, and it's long lasting, so it's really a practice transformational tool, because it hits all the key points of being successful in practice today.

Dean Steinman: On average, how long does the patient use the pain eraser for? Is it generally a 24 hour thing, two days, three days, a week, two weeks? How long do they, is it something that they're actually using?

George Aliphtiras: It does depend on what type of treatment they're undergoing. So if they're in general practice, the, just the cleaning typically than the pre apply just for a few seconds per tooth, you know, 10, 20 seconds in ortho, when it's more achy pain that one you apply after the appointment typically, because it's all about moving teeth around the PDL, the peridontal ligament. So that could be from 30 seconds to, and you'll typically will have relief in one area. Now, if you're having an exshira side, let's say for replacing the needle for an injection, that's going to be for, you know, two and a half minutes because you're cutting the needle out for some of those caries that you may have and treatment of caries. If you got TMD issues, you have to do the whole muscle, musculature itself. So that's going to be like a four to five minute application. So really it's dependent on the type of relief that is required.

Dean Steinman: And is it one and done, or is this something that if they continually do over the course of you know, several days, or is it just right away after the treatment?

George Aliphtiras: Usually it's done, the relief is 24 to 48 hours and you can reapply. Now, some people may just, may not give, may want to reapply longer so they have a longer relief. So it is dependent on how much you apply. So the more you apply, the longer relief you'll have, but typically it's 24, 48 hours. So let's say you have an adjustment and when you have that first week of braces, which typically is, I've had braces all my friends have had braces. So that first week is tough because you're on the liquid diet. You're Kenny, you know, any hard foods, just imagine that you can apply this. Daily or basically for the whole first, you know, three to five days of that first week and you can start eating whatever you want. You're not limited to soup or the liquid diet. You can just start having good dietary consumption and actually hygiene. Your hygiene is going to not be compromised.

Dean Steinman: So now let's talk from a Clinician's perspective there. So most dentists with a dentist are facing stricter competition ever before. Alright, so now they're looking for ways to position themselves differently in the marketplace. So talk to us a little bit about how to integrate the dental pain eraser into a practice to attract new patients and how to make them position themselves to be a little different.

George Aliphtiras: Yeah, no, it's super important because ultimately again,differentiation does matter in the marketplace. So being the best you can be in communicating that effectively, both from your social, website, to anything campaigns that you do in community is we provide doctors and practices say, yes. They integrate the dental pain eraser is, you know, come to us. Why? Because we're the best, most comfortable treatment experience possible. So the integrated as part of the value prop lead with it, comfort experience and it bring patients to the door. I mean, we have exciting thing is now is that with at home unit, which is the white unit in my head. They're actually now giving as part of the patient care kit. So when you start treatment or when you have an emergency, let's say mommy, you know, you've got a mom who brings her child in after trauma. Guess what? You've got this so you can take it home. You can treat the trauma at home. You don't have to take anything else. It's great. It's convenient. So really, that differentiation of being comprehensive, meaning an approach of both in chair and post chair when they leave for home is super important because that's the unique advantage that practice will have as being comprehensive, best in class care because comfort is the key experience.

Dean Steinman: As a mentor, you know, so now guys, as a professional dental professional orthodontist, why don't you think what makes you different than your competitors? Okay. What makes you stand out and write these down? Think about what is your differentiator? What makes your practice different? And then take a look at that list, right? Four or five things down and then think how many of those things that you wrote down, the patient cares about, it's not about you. It's about them. So comfort as George said is super important. All right. So, so George, why don't you tell us a little bit about how practice can really stand out by saying the company, you know, presenting themselves with comfort and marketing it that way. And that's some of the things that, you know, you and I have done with some of the practice that we have and work together on. So, you know, what, what's one tip that a practice can, that you would suggest right now to say a practice could do to make themselves stand out using Synapse?

George Aliphtiras: Well, one of the things is that we become part of the marketing budget for the practice. An example is that we provide the practice branding extension on the dental pain eraser. So, basically, your brand is situated on the dental pain eraser. So, it's provided by you, the provider of care. So really your center as part of the delivery of comfort, we're not, we're just the technology, the enabler, but it's you, the provider who's actually providing that, and that's why we did that custom branding option for people who buy in, into the dental pain eraser and it's available to everyone. So you can be an orthodontist, a general practitioner. And we even have people that are, have dispensing to pedos, like when teething, we know when the sleepless nights in your life of teething occurring because you have eruption. People are using it as part of like, hey, I need some quiet time. I know I need to sleep a few hours that I, you know, so they're actually giving it to their babies to address teething and it's all branded. I mean, they're giving branded units and it's like a lifesaver for these parents. Like, thank God I've got this and I can actually have release and kids happy. I'm happy. Everyone's happy, right? And it's all because of the provider, right? You're the one, you're the hero, right?

Dean Steinman: And it's good to be a hero. So speaking of heroes, why don't you tell us what's the best response that you've heard or feedback you've heard about practice who you're working with? What, you know, what came out of the blue that really blew you away and made you super happy?

George Aliphtiras: Well, you know, we receive stories all the time and it can be anything from, ‘you know what? It saved the day for me’. I mean, anything like, I had, you know, patients coming in, they were uncomfortable they were you know, they were treated with a dental pain eraser, and they're, like, giving hugs. Like, crying of, you know, literally people, like, saying, thank you so much. Because, again, you're taking people out of the past of a pain or discomfort, they're going to give you a thousand fold, you know, better reviews of anyone that is, that will give you just say, oh, great service. I mean, these patients are really have high levels of gratitude and we receive like, you know, testimonials and videos and from practices that are posting on Facebook and Instagram, recognizing the impact that it's had. So those are some great stories or even like not stopping treatment you know, or, you know, allowing patients to come in for cleanings or treatment. Those are big wins for the practice and great business development, you know, for the practice because it's all about bringing new patients in and retaining them.

Dean Steinman: Yep and you know from our perspective, you know, I love the marketing. Our job is to put us in the seats and position our practices differently. And this has been a game changer for some of our practices that we work with together, because now we have the ability to make them different, to make them stand out and to offer comfort and to be able to really position them as a leader in offering something different in the market than just the same old thing, you know? So now, you know, that's one of the great differentiators about, you know, working with a company like Synapse and offering this into your practice is you have the ability now to position yourself away from your competition. Alright and to offer something and that's different at the same time make a difference in people's lives, you know, and if you can make somebody's life better and happier, you hit a home run there. Let me ask you two more questions, George, so you know an entrepreneur, and so and in the tech business I've had a lot of Industry leaders on my podcast before and it's incredible. I love talking to entrepreneurs and figuring out, you know, their journey and what have you. So if you had a time machine and you could go back two years, what's one bit of advice you would give yourself to do that you have as far as different?

George Aliphtiras: Well, you know, I think really is to focus and in work and embed ourselves. I think we were maybe a bit too broad based in focus 2 years ago. But I think, you know, really doubling down and focusing on, you know, execution on the orthodontics base, because that's where we started off and we decided to expand a bit, but now we're really focused in orthodontics, also developing pedo GP and other segments, because again it’s the opportunity is huge demand is there, the needs there but really focusing. And that's why we, the past two, 18, 20, 24 months, we've actually seen a massive response from the profession. And that has led to us winning the AO innovator award last year, and also the ortho tank as well, and also other industry accolades. So really focus, execution is the key.

Dean Steinman: Focus is so hard, you know, you get caught up in things and if you go one way, they have to get back on the other. So stay in your lane, you know, focus is so important no matter what you do. All right. So sorry, I said two questions, but I still have two more. All right. So if Synapse was writing a children's book, what would the title be?

George Aliphtiras: That is a good question. Children's book- I would say making, well, something along the lines of making that first impression matter. Like, because again, children are very impressionable, right? And their first experience creates the foundation for their next 10, 30, 40 years. So that's why, and just going back to one of the segments that we have really a lot of pull now is PEDO, because they're, they have the, probably the most, if not, the I think probably the most sensitive patient itself and, you know, having that experience really for those patients, a positive one, their first interaction with pedo or the GP, very important.

Dean Steinman: Sure. So if somebody wanted to get more information, learn about it, become a partner, what's the best way would you suggest for somebody to do so? Because you know, obviously you're going to, let's even take one step back. You're going to be at AAO this year, which in New Orleans, I'll be there as well. So what booth will you be at? And if somebody, you know, wants to use us ahead of time before the show, how would they'd be able to meet you in person? And then afterwards, what's the best way for them to meet you?

George Aliphtiras: Yeah. I mean, we've got a comprehensive website, where you can actually request a live demo with us. That is the best way to experience a dental paint eraser because seeing is believing and we actually do live demos with with providers and the teams and they're like, wow, we kind of build the wow factor and it's, we make it fun and we make it, you know, interactive with the team. So I always encourage people go to the website. Book a demo and we'll make it happen for you and the team. So it's all about creating fun and with the team and making sure that everyone's successful when they say yes to dental paint eraser.

Dean Steinman:
And the website URL is...

George Aliphtiras: Is

Dean Steinman: Perfect. Good. Alrighty. Great. And if somebody ever wanted to reach out to you personally, who's had some questions or wanted to become a partner, but in addition to that, what's the best way then to reach you as well?

George Aliphtiras: Email. Super easy. Our email is

Dean Steinman: Awesome. All right. So now I have one last final question for you, George. Okay. So, I don't know if you saw on, you know, on your phone while we were talking about, I just got a text that an asteroid is hitting earth in three hours from now, so you got to run after this and you have to go to the market and pick your last meal. What do you, what are you eating?

George Aliphtiras: Ooh, that is a tough question. But, you know, I think I'm a very simple person. I have to go to my staple though it's hard to get. I'm a big fan of Greek yogurt. So, but it has to be really good. I do like Greek yogurt with nice artisanal honey and some other nuts or fresh fruit that's my go to.

Dean Steinman: So your last meal is yogurt?

George Aliphtiras: It's yogurt. With honey and other things.

Dean Steinman: Any particular flavor? Any fruit or anything?

George Aliphtiras: Nope.

Dean Steinman: Just plain?

George Aliphtiras: No, just very high quality Greek yogurt with artisanal honey and freshly roasted nuts is my go to. And it's simple, but if you have some Greek yogurt that is true Greek yogurt, you know what I mean?

Dean Steinman: Awesome. Great. Well, George, thanks so much for joining. I really appreciate it. Guys, reach out to Synapse. These guys, they're great. They're great to work with. I said we work with them we work with many of our clients our partners with them. We're working with them and helping them with some marketing as well positioning practices in the market to be different to stand out And this is a great opportunity for you to make a difference in somebody's life. And to make yourself unique in the marketplace, so highly recommend it. I've gotten some great feedback from many of our clients and you know and through the industry and it's you don't win an award like they did by accident so, you know, I don’t basically support many companies out there I'll throw my hat into it, but these things these guys did are great.

So, you know, George well done so far I look forward to the to the future with you. And again, everybody out there in podcast land, please reach out to these guys. They're great if you want to just do a demo they'll help you out. Very hands on, great team, real personal, and they're awesome to work with.

So George, thanks so much. I really appreciate it. Everybody in podcast land, thank you so much for listening again. We love your support. We love your feedback. If you guys have any questions on here, please reach out to us. Follow the show notes. And again, reach out to Synapse, they'll make you smile.

So everybody out there in podcast land, thanks so much. Keep marketing and happy smiles!

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