Why Call Tracking Is Your Best Source of Lead Data

In this blog, we explore our latest podcast, Episode #84, Why Call Tracking Is Your Best Source of Lead Data.

This time, Ortho Marketing President Dean Steinman and Senior Account Manager Cassie Uribe discuss what calling tracking is, how to use it, and how it can become your best source of lead data. You can listen to the podcast at the end of this blog.

First, why should your business consider using a call tracking platform?

Ortho Marketing uses call tracking for all marketing efforts and believes in it. With call tracking, you see what works and what doesn’t and learn a great deal about your customers and office efficiency.

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How Call Tracking Works in a Nutshell

Cassie Uribe describes what call tracking is in a nutshell.

“So how it works is call tracking is really used as a way to associate marketing sources with leads,” Uribe explains. “By associating specific campaigns’ keyword with unique numbers, we can tell you as a business owner or practice owner how many calls each campaign was driving.”

Thus, you can focus your marketing efforts on the campaigns that get results, rather than throwing money away.


Phones Still Generate the Highest Quality Leads

The podcast reveals some important data all by itself. For example, from 2014 to 2019, calls to businesses from smartphones increased by over 100 billion. Although you might think calls are going away due to the internet, they are actually increasing greatly.

Also, 65% of businesses consider phone calls to be their highest quality lead source. In the health care industry, as many as 88% of patients still prefer to book by phone. However, 85% of people who don’t answer their first call will skip leaving a message. Worse, they won’t call back, meaning a lost lead.

Now, with call tracking campaigns, you can capture the data from all calls, learning where customers come from and who is a new caller. Plus, the system gives you a wealth of data to work from at a granular level. Thus, you can learn a great deal about leads you otherwise might have missed altogether.

“Your highest quality leads and the highest number of leads are calling on your phone. So, you really want to capture all of that data that’s coming in,” says Uribe.

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Seamlessly Tied to Your Office Number

With call tracking, the new number used for marketing is attached to your landline. Therefore, if somebody calls, it seamlessly goes to your office phone. So, if you’re concerned about introducing a new number that nobody knows, you don’t need to be.

“It’s a very seamless process, so anybody who is hesitant about that, you shouldn’t have to worry,” says Uribe.

For those who worry that new numbers might disrupt business calls, there’s no risk. People will continue to reach you at your office phone as usual.

“It’s really a different time now…More often than not, people are going right to Google, typing in your business, and calling the number right from Google. People aren’t saving numbers on their phone anymore, and if they do save your number on their phone, they’ll still reach you at that office number, whether you have call tracking or not,” Uribe explains.

The Goldmine of Call Tracking Data

From the beginning of time for businesses, data about customers has been key to success or failure. As Steinman points out, “Data has always been the key to everything.”

“It’s very important to know, across the board, who is interested in your services, who is contacting you and how to get them back in,” he continued.

Today, what other insights can you gain? With call tracking, you can learn if your marketing is working and see who responds. Online, you can learn about people who called after looking at your website, even if they don’t physically click on your site to make the call. Offline, you can use call tracking to see who responded after seeing your billboard, magnet, or another marketing item.

“You want to know if your marketing efforts are even getting you anywhere. The only way to do that is call track,” says Uribe. “That’s the way to fill all that information in that you’re probably missing. You’re spending all this money on marketing, but how do you know what you’re getting back? So it’s crucial for your ROI,” she says.

As Steinman confirms, the data you get tells you if your marketing is working or failing with essential data like:

  • Learn where calls originate
  • Learn the phone number of potential leads
  • How long they stay on a call
  • The time of the call
  • Record calls and learn from them
  • Learn how staff are handling calls


Get Started with the Experts

Today, competition is more fierce, with many people advertising in your market. Therefore, learning about your customer data gives you an edge so your marketing can maximize results. However, taking a do-it-yourself approach might be overwhelming. Instead, rely on the experts in marketing to help you with these new marketing strategies.

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Harness Your Data Today

By hiring the experts, you can harness the most important lead-generating data your business needs to succeed.

“I would say if you’re doing any kind of advertising, whether it’s SEO, you just have a website, or its any additional paid advertising, call a marketing company like Ortho Marketing or Presentation Multimedia,” says Uribe.

Give us a call and learn how we can help you track your company’s data. By doing so, you’ll learn what marketing efforts are working and what’s not. Stay ahead of your competitors, generate more leads, and greater success.

“That’s really going to give you the best insight for what marketing efforts are going to do your business the most justice,” said Uribe.

Orth Marketing has decades of experience in the specialized marketing needed by orthodontic and dental practices. For a free consultation, call us anytime at 914.788.1555.

Listen to the Ortho Marketing podcast below:

Listen to “OM Ep 84: Why Call Tracking is Your Best Source of Lead Data” on Spreaker.