Are You Celebrating National Orthodontic Health Month?
October is best known as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it is also National Orthodontic Health Month. Are you taking time to celebrate NOHM 2017 with your staff and pa
Social Media & Hashtag Holidays: Why You Should Participate
Hashtag holidays are an integral part of the digital landscape. Many small businesses are hesitant to participate because they aren’t sure that it’s worth their time or energy,
Get Your Gram On: What You Need to Know About Instagram in 2017
Instagram is quickly becoming the most influential social media platform. There are currently over 300 million active users registered to the photo sharing app, including celebriti
#NationalHolidays and Your Social Media Strategy
You probably already know that social media gives your practice more exposure than ever before, and how you put it to use is the important part. Using a social media strategy calen
What Does the New Facebook Ad Update Mean for You?
Since the rise in use of social media is practically undeniable, marketing your practice on Facebook is key to increasing awareness of your business and services. Creating a Faceb
What Type of SEO is Right for You?
You may think you know your fair share of best Search Engine Optimization practices but what you might not know is that Local SEO differs some from General SEO. How different coul
Why Should Your Site be Mobile Friendly?
Its no surprise that now, more than ever, it is so important to have a modern and mobile friendly site design. You may even be reading this blog from your phone right now! If you w
New Instagram Rules and How They Affect Your Photos
How to prevent your Instagram page from getting shut down- Tips for understanding their most important policies Using Instagram is a great way to publicize your practice and gain
4 Ways to Help Your Marketing Company Help You
So, you’ve decided to hire a marketing company. Smart move (if it’s us at Ortho Marketing, even smarter). But, odds are they can’t do everything without at least a little co
How to Optimize Your Videos for Search
Video content is king right now. In fact, videos are projected to dominate 80% of web traffic by next year. If your practice is taking advantage of this massive opportunity, excell