Mobile marketing is far more important than many business owners believe. Simply put, to have the greatest marketing success you want to connect with your customers on the devices they use the most often- their mobile phones and tablets. Your orthodontic practice would certainly benefit from effective mobile marketing that would enable your practice to connect with people on several platforms.
Since mobile devices are checked more frequently, they are also more effective means of getting quick messages across. For example, mobile marketing is especially useful for reminding patients of appointments and new procedures.
Mobile marketing and mobile websites are essential in making your practice more visible and accessible. If your practice does not have a mobile website, it will be very hard to access your website from a mobile device. A potential customer could very easily use a competitor instead of your practice because of the inaccessibility of your site.
To get your mobile marketing efforts started today, please contact Ortho Marketing Pros at (914)788-1555 to get started.