If you haven’t found out already, managing social media for even a small practice can be very time consuming. In order to balance social media and regular work for your practice, it essential to plan each one out properly. If you can afford it, it can be very beneficial to hire a social media expert to manage the pages for your business. An expert in this position can have social media be their sole responsibility and this where social media marketing is very likely to be performed responsibly and correctly. But if hiring someone is not a viable option, a few steps for better social media planning are as follows.
-First, you should obviously make a general plan of how many Tweets and Facebook posts you will send out daily/weekly and at what times. Create a calendar or schedule to facilitate planning efforts of social media.
-Generate engaging content in one sitting and schedule it. Conjure up some creative energy and begin generating interesting content for your practice that can be used over the course of the next two weeks. Schedule this content out and don’t worry about producing more content for a while.
-Create branded pages and always try to integrate some aspect of your “brand” into each post. Creating interested, loyal followers is essential for social media success, so get started in creating fans over followers.
For more information get started with Ortho Marketing Pros. Give us a call at (914)788-1555.