Trends: Bethany Hamilton Damon Smile Emojis
Back in 2011, Damon Braces published a press release stating that Soul Surfer Bethany Hamilton would be endorsing Damon Braces to promote “fast, comfortable orthodontic tre
5 Reasons Your Practice NEEDS Facebook Ads [with Infographic]
Strategically place your orthodontic practice in front of new, valuable eyes. Track measurable stats. Target the demographics your practice thrives upon. In order to keep up with
Successful Orthodontic Social Media Marketing Begins at Your Practice
With all the fancy features the social media has to offer, we sometimes become too focused exclusively on the “media” side of media marketing. What you post online should refle
Importance of Scheduling Posts on Social Media- Orthodontic Practices
On Social Media, consistency is very important when scheduling posts and building consumer engagement levels. Of course good content and interesting posts is a good place to start,
Social Proof and Acceptance on Your Social Media Pages
Social proof and acceptance among humans has been entrenched in our society since the dawn of time. Your Orthodontic Practice needs to incorporate this idea into yoursocial media
Social Media Marketing & Analytics for Orthodontic Practices
Since so many practices have taken to advertising and marketing on social media, Analytics applications that record traffic, engagement and other information have become extremely
Why Facebook is the Best Platform to Target an Audience for your Orthodontic Practice?
Many orthodontic practices across the United States wish to build an audience of specific, targeted consumers. These individuals will have generally demonstrated a liking to a cert
Brand Your Orthodontic Practice for Success
Every successful business has a brand image in some way or another. Some of these “brand images” are far more subtle than others but nonetheless there is a brand image