Why Orthodontists Need A Strong Online Presence
In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for Ortho Marketing. This holds valid not just for orthodontists but for all doctors and businesses. Patien
How To Successfully Run A Facebook Contest
Our goal at Ortho Marketing is to provide advertising and marketing solutions to dental and orthodontic practices. We specialize in social media marketing including Facebook contes
3 Important Ranking Factors for SEO
Googles goal is give the user the perfect search results for any given query. Their number one philosophy is to “Focus on the user and all else will follow.” Keeping Googles go
Setting Goals for Your Practice in 2018
As another year comes to an end at Ortho Marketing, we know that you are setting the bar high for your practice in the new year. And it’s not unusual to set new goals and objecti
What Type of SEO is Right for You?
You may think you know your fair share of best Search Engine Optimization practices but what you might not know is that Local SEO differs some from General SEO. How different coul
Social Media Marketing and Why It Works for Your Orthodontic Practice
Social media has generated explosive results in marketing just about every facet of business and everyday activity. The NFL now encourages viewers to tweet about the game, and news
4 Ways to Guarantee Emails for Your Orthodontic Practice are Opened
Yes, social media and website marketing are growing, but email marketing remains a very productive way to market your practice directly to current and potential patients. The va
Tips for Better Social Media Marketing For Your Orthodontic Practice
Social media marketing involves several innovative marketing techniques to bring your goods and services to the consumer but there are also several other ways to bolster your mark
Why Does Social Media Marketing Work For Orthodontic Practice?
Social media marketing as a whole is still a relatively new industry. Social media marketing techniques are being tweaked and new ones are being invented with each passing month.
Why is SEO a Necessity for your Orthodontic Practice
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the practice of attaining higher placement on Google results pages through online marketing techniques such as blogging and creating landing p